Why Important Scientific Management for an Organization?


Why Important Scientific Management for an Organization?


      According to the theory of management, scientific management refers to strategies that are used to determine how best a certain job can be performed in an organization. Scientific management can also be technically defined as management thought primarily concerned with the physical efficiency of an individual worker (Harris, 2002, p. 377).

     According to Ritzer (2010, p. 22), “scientific management is a procedure aimed at production of nonhuman technology exerting control over employees or workers in an organization”. Nowadays, most organizations in the industry make use of scientific management.

  Taylor who is referred to as the father of scientific management developed the theory of scientific management. Before the invention of this theory, most business organizations used the rule of thumb. This is where the worker had the initiative and control.

Why important for an organization ?

  Scientific management applied in today’s operations within an organization has been found to be very helpful

  One of the greatest contributions of scientific management in today’s organization is increasing the productivity. Scientific management focuses on the activities performed by the workers in an organization. The importance of this was that scientific management makes the workers or employees efficient.

  This increases the production capacity of the company. This helps in meeting the objectives of all stakeholders. In his analysis, Taylor focused on time and motion used in the achievement of organizational goals. Using these studies, the operations in the workplace are well analyzed and the most effective and efficient ways of performing job operations are discovered hence improving the company’s productivity.

  In addition, use of scientific management in today’s operations increases the overall profitability and gives the organization a better opportunity to compete in the market globally. This is derived from the ability of the organization to maximize the efforts all stakeholders in the organization.

  Scientific management has led to development of offshore markets. This has resulted from its ability to analyze techniques used in labor within the organization. .

 Companies and industries have been able to produce high total quality products. Scientific management has led to quality improvement that has greatly improved the profitability of the company.

-          For example, industries like the automotive and the military industries have greatly improved their product quality. This has been achieved through the use of techniques introduced by Taylor in his discovery of scientific management.

  The discovery and implementation of scientific management in the organization has created division of labor among the employees. Division of labor in an organization produces better results and high standards. This helps to create better productivity in the organization and contribute to enhanced product quality.


  Borrowing from the assertions in this paper, it can be argued that scientific management has been of much influence to companies and business organizations. This is because its positive impacts to the companies outweigh the negatives impacts.

  Therefore, it is advisable for companies to adopt some of the usefulness of scientific management in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in their operations. This will help improve profitability.









  1. Scientific management theory is important because its approach to management is found in almost every industrial business operation across the world. Its influence is also felt in general business practices such planning, process design, quality control, cost accounting, and ergonomics.

  2. If the author could add a few examples regarding the scientific management in this article would have been more interesting.
    scientific management was to ensure specialization and division of labor amongst the employees. The American fast foods restaurant uses this idea to create hamburgers. This business organization simplified the hamburger into a number of steps.
    This was done as follows; grilling the burger, put in lettuce and tomatoes add sauce then put into rolls and wrap. This has improved efficiency and as well creates specialization because every task required a different employee. (IvyPanda, 2020)
    Anyhow the author has well explained about the theory part of scientific management.


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