
HR Role in Strategic Planning

  HR Role in Strategic Planning Introduction The strategic plan is not the operating plan. The operating plan is a forecast for the following few months (from 6 to 18 months). The strategic plan is a vision for the organization for following several years (from 2 to 5 years). The strategic plan sets the priorities for the top management and HR role is a proper strategic planning in the area of HR Management. The HR Professionals have to be part of the strategic planning as employees will execute the strategic mission of the organization. The HR Role is to take the full responsibility for the alignment of employees’ skills and competencies with the strategic plan. Different Roles of HR in Strategic Planning First, HR has to demonstrate that it is a partner to the strategic planning. Workforce management is responsible for connecting people, ideas, and tools. It must lead the HR strategy plan. Secondly, HR has to demonstrate that it understands the business. Before engaging in

Nature and scope of Human Resource Management (HRM)

  Nature and scope of Human Resource Management (HRM) Nature of HRM 1.       HRM involves management functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling. 2.       It involves procurement, development, maintenance and management of human resource. 3.       It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives. 4.       HRM is a mighty disciplinary subject. It includes the study of management psychology communication, economics and sociology. 5.       It involves team spirit and team work. Scope of HRM  The scope of HRM refers to all the activities that come under the banner of HRM. The activities are as follows Human resources planning: – Human resource planning is a process by which the company to identify the number of jobs vacant, whether the company has excess staff or shortage of staff and to deal with this excess or shortage. Job analysis design: – Another important area of HRM is job analysis. Job analysis gives a detailed explanation

Difference Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

  Difference Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management Definition of Personnel Management   Personnel management is a division of management concerned with the recruitment, hiring, staffing, development, and compensation of employees as well as their interactions with the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. Personnel management's primary functions are divided into two categories.: ·          Operative Functions: The activities that are concerned with procurement, development, compensation, job evaluation, employee welfare, utilization, maintenance and collective bargaining. ·          Managerial Function: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Motivation, Control, and Coordination are the basic managerial activities performed by Personnel Management.   From the last two decades, as the development of technology has taken place and the humans are replaced by machines. Similarly, this branch of management has also been superseded by Human Resou

Difference Between HRM and SHRM

  Difference Between HRM and SHRM Introduction   HRM stands for Human Resource Management and refers to the application of management principles to the management of an organization's workforce. It is concerned with the hiring, development, and retention of manpower in order to improve their efficiency. It becomes clearer when traditional HRM is compared and contrasted with strategic HRM, also known as SHRM.   SHRM is the process of aligning a company's business strategy with its human resource practices in order to achieve the organization's strategic goals. The company's workforce is managed proactively in SHRM. Take a look at this article to learn more about the differences between HRM and SHRM. Definition of HRM Human Resource Management or HRM is simply the process of managing human resources, in a systematic way. It is a practice devised to maximize the performance of employees, i.e. to make them more efficient and productive. It is concerned with the ap

What is HR's Role In Managing Change?

  What is HR's Role in Managing Change?    HR has a variety of responsibilities when it comes to change management. HR is sometimes forced to make a change because it is required by external forces (changes in laws or safety requirements, for example). Change is sometimes required by HR because it is requested by other internal stakeholders (changes in IT operations due to efficiency or effectiveness needs, for example). And, on occasion, HR facilitates change because it is the right thing to do in light of current and future organizational circumstances.    It has been said that management is responsible for enabling and facilitating change. In the case of HR, the role must be that of a change agent, not just a conduit for change, but one who plans the appropriate changes in collaboration with other executives and senior leaders. Change occurs for a variety of reasons and is all around us. It's also crucial to manage change because many change initiatives fail. Failure doe

Modern Performance Appraisal Methods

  Modern Performance Appraisal Methods   Introduction Performance appraisal  is an annual  process  that involves setting clear, quantifiable goals and objectives and assessing individual  performance . It evaluates the  employee's performance  and productivity against the pre-determined set of objectives for that year. Employee Performance Appraisal The employee performance appraisal process is crucial for organizations to boost employee productivity and improve their outcomes. Performance appraisals are an annual process where an employee’s performance and productivity is evaluated against a predetermined set of objectives. Performance management  is super important, not only because it is the determining factor in an employee’s wage rise and promotion but also because it can evaluate an employee’s skills, strengths, and shortcomings accurately.       1.            Management   by   Objectives   (MBO)   Management by objectives (MBO) is the appraisal metho

Why needs Personal Development Plan ?

  Why Needs Personal Development Plan?       Every employee should have a personal development plan (PDP).  Managers  can use PDPs to help employees reflect on their abilities and find opportunities to improve   What is a personal development plan?     It's an official record of the skills your employee has and the skills they need to develop. It's a framework to help them reflect on what they want to accomplish and how to go about it. For employees, it's a source of discovery, inspiration and motivation. For managers, PDPs can become the basis of  performance appraisals.  They inform overall goals and objectives, but they can also become a guide rope that keeps them focused on development. The PDP gives them purpose and something to work towards, whether it's a qualification, new skill or a promotion.    How an employer benefits from personal development plan It’s important for employers to recognize that they also stand to benefit from developi